jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

Marketing process before the launch of the crowdfunding campaign

Marketing process before the launch of the crowdfunding campaign:
*The rules of interaction have changed! 
In today's world social media and crowdfunding go together! 
To succeed on the Internet today, you have to create content that ignites and engages an audience.
Best procedure:
- Having up-to-date profiles on the three major social media sites (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter) 
- Building followers
- Adding quality contacts on social media must start weeks, if not months, before the campaign launches
- Your ability to get noticed on social media sites. It’s highly important that you leverage the power of social media to your advantage
Do two things: 
- create a list of “core” supporters who will contribute funds and spread the word about the project
- they write the majority of the social media posts they will use throughout the campaign and create a posting schedule for themselves and for their core supporters

1. Study your target audience
It’s important that you analyze the target audience you wish to approach to fund your campaign. (building awareness for your campaign)
* What are their preferences?
* Which social media sites do they visit?

2. Use social media as a testing ground: 
- If your product is poorly received by followers, then it may not succeed as part of a crowdfunding campaign
- Gain insights from potential backers

3. Don’t just rely on your private network of friends
- Gain attention for your campaign creating exclusive pages describing your product. Share the link on multiple pages and target as many people as you can

4. Launch your social media campaign months in advance
- Don’t wait till you launch your campaign on Indiegogo or Kickstarter to begin your marketing activities. It may be too late by then

5. Don’t wait for people to approach you
- You will have to aggressively pursue your audience through interactive posts
- Remember this – an inactive page will serve as a nail in the coffin for your crowdfunding campaign!

6. Create a hashtag for your campaign
- A hashtag will help spread your message
- Create an attractive hashtag for your upcoming campaign
- Use it extensively on your social media profiles. This will help spread word about your campaign

7. Don’t worry about quantity – focus on quality
- Your main focus should be on the quality of posts you create on these pages, not the number of followers you gain
- Create visually appealing posts with engaging content – this will attract the attention of many people. They will be interested to know what you have in store for them
- Have a genuine content developer create attractive copy for your social media pages

8. Observe other popular social media campaigns
- So what kind of posts should you make? Check out other popular pages to get a fair idea of the kind of posts followers like to read
- Your posts should be informative – don’t just focus on your products or cause. Followers will get a feeling you are self-centered

9. Arrive at the perfect Content Mix
- You will have to have the perfect mix of marketing and informative posts
- The nature of posts you create should inspire readers to do as you wish. Highlighting a call to action frequently is advisable

10. Be confident about your approach
- It takes a lot of confidence to excel on social media. Be confident about using social media as a positive tool to gain quality backers for your campaign.

11. Launch your crowdfunding campaign only after you generate positive buzz on social media sites
- There is no point launching your campaign without gaining the support and attention of your target audience
- Wait till you gain quality attention from social media followers till you launch your campaign. This is a wise step that will ensure your campaign doesn’t meet with failure

12. Don’t stress on how much you expect backers to pledge
- The main focus should be to highlight your products. Highlight your offering in great detail. Give potential backers a detailed overview of what they can expect
- Don’t stress on pledge levels – they can wait till the actual crowdfunding campaign

13. Approach journalists to talk about your social media campaign
- Journalists are always on the lookout for interesting tidbits they can share. Why not approach them to highlight your page on Facebook or Twitter? If they like your idea, they will definitely share it among their followers – and journalists usually have huge fan following!

14. Run ads for more outreach
- Sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn allow you to run paid ads. You must consider these ads if you are not satisfied with the publicity gained through organic visits

15. Don’t dump social media followers after your crowdfunding campaign is over!
- It’s important that you keep your followers in good spirits even after the crowdfunding campaign is over. 
- If your crowdfunding campaign was a success, then you should stay in touch with them through attractive posts highlighting the progress made in actual production. Let them know about the final product and when it will be delivered to their doorstep. It gives the impression that you really care about them.

Once the campaign is underway, a crowdfunder needs to spend time on the tasks that could not be done in advance, such as reaching out to media, interacting with donors and fulfilling rewards. 
If your crowdfunding campaign was a failure, then thank your followers for their support and move on!

Emotional Intelligence Is The ‘Real Deal’ For Facebook Marketers

Why Emotional Intelligence Is The ‘Real Deal’ For Facebook Marketers:
a) Emotional intelligence is the secret ingredient you need to possess in order to boost audience happiness. You’ve also got to consider that it is not about what you have to offer, but about delivering an experience that maps to the emotions of your audience.
b) Emotional intelligence has the following components:
* Self-regulation: The ability to control your emotions and responses
* Self-awareness: Having a good understanding of your emotions
* Motivation: The willingness to overcome emotional challenges and make wise decisions
* Empathy: The ability to understand emotions of others
* Social skills: The ability to interact well with your audience

How to utilize emotional intelligence in Facebook marketing?
1. Listen to your audience
When listening to your audience, you should:
* Gather information on behaviors and trends
* Gather efficient feedback through surveys, questionnaires, and other methods (phone calls maybe)
* Discover reasons why audiences don’t or do business with you
- Analyzing all information will allow you to respond intelligently to audiences in real-time. You can also use tools like Topsy and AgoraPulse to understand better what your target audience is thinking and talking about.
- Then you can use your emotional intelligence to scrutinize why they’re behaving in a certain way.
2. Leverage empathy
To be emphatic, ask what your core offer will do for the prospect’s emotional self and identity. Also, you need to create an experience that helps consumers take charge and make them feel they are not at the mercy of a brand campaign and marketing messages. Empathy will reach your audience at a deeper level and help you improve the company’s ROI.
Acknowledge how customers feel instead of broadcasting messages or responding negatively to harsh comments. It’s essential to be sensitive to their experiences and feelings in real-time to establish an emphatic connection.
3. Offer help
You can answer questions including:
* Account-related or direct technical
* Complaints
* Queries regarding defects, outages, etc.
* Product and service requests
* General references to your offerings
The key is to become a resource for your audience beyond the product/service you’re offering. While ‘social media care’ is not a new concept, it takes emotional intelligence to implement it properly.
4. Feed the emotional side
You should know what your audience cares about already, and know what they relate to. Feed information that allows them to resonate their identities with your offering. Maintain credibility by citing sources and offering evidence.
Final thoughts
The sooner you realize the importance of emotional intelligence in social media and why it will impact the future of marketing, the better will be your chances to improve your campaign ROI.
By leveraging the semantic understanding and management of your own emotions and the emotions of those you’re targeting, you can improve overall engagement with audiences as well as your brand reputation.
Emerge of behaviour
Social Interactions
Encourage users to talk about their feelings
An audience member asked Zuckerberg what Facebook would look like in 10 years, to which he answered by speaking about three key trends he seeks happening in social media:
* Zuckerberg predicts that there will be a lot more people on the Internet in 10 years, which is not necessarily a bold prediction.
* He predicts that SMS and photo messaging will largely replace other forms of web communication.
* Finally, Zuckerberg predicts augmented reality, i.e. distraction-free, heads-up communication, will be the future of computing.
Zuckerberg expanded on his prediction about web communication by saying:
“The diversity of the ways in which people want to share, the moments that people want to communicate, and the tools that people need to stay connected are going to keep growing,”
Keeping up with growing number of ways in which people communicate is going to be a source of competition for Facebook, the CEO adds.
The most bold of all of his predictions is the one about augmented reality, which he expands on by saying:
“I think it’s pretty easy to imagine that in the future we will have something that we can either wear — and it’ll look like normal glasses (so it won’t look weird like some of the stuff that exists today). And you’ll just be able to have context with what’s going on around you in the world and communicate with people and not have to disrupt your conversations by looking down.”

domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2016

The Profile of an Influencer

So what do these compelling people look like? Social media influencers come in all shapes and sizes, but they share these four characteristics:
1. Credibility
A social media influencer must be trustworthy in order to have an effect. Health policy experts or veteran journalists, for example, may offer expertise in their field that gives their opinion weight. Reputation is important. An influencer should be known as someone who is thoughtful and accomplished.
2. Reach
The posts, tweets, and updates of a social media influencer should be seen by as large an audience as possible. This is where having bundles of Twitter followers, Facebook fans, and blog subscribers becomes key.
3. Quality contacts
A large audience isn’t enough in itself, however. Social media influencers should be able to prompt discussion and interaction within their networks – retweets, shares, and replies. Social media influencers’ contacts are quick to engage the content they share.
4. Relevance
The influencer that is right for you should be relevant to your field. A food critic might be credible, have reach, and quality contacts – but probably wouldn’t be the right representative to endorse your campaign on prison reform. They could, however, be great to engage about bringing a nutritious food program to schools.

Types of Influencers
1. The Social Butterflies
These influencers know everyone, and everyone knows them. Their contact lists are off the charts and they have a presence on most platforms or networks. Their strength is connecting people.
2. The Thought Leaders
They are the expert bloggers, the conference speakers, the academics. Credibility is their strong point – they lead and influence opinions about key issues. Their endorsements are reliable.
3. The Trendsetters
The first to try everything, these influencers are quick to discover and share the latest technologies and innovations. They have a knack for popularizing new initiatives.
4. The Reporters
Disseminating information is their forte; they have the connections with (or are themselves) the industry’s top journalists or bloggers. They know how to take a great idea and get it maximum coverage.
5. The Everyday Customers
Their sphere of influence is usually much smaller – friends and family – but their voice is still important because their testimony comes from experience. At your nonprofit, this person could either be a successful client or someone who ran a marathon to fundraise for your cause.
Determine which kind of influencer is right for your cause and keep that in mind while you’re doing your search.

domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2016

La niña iluminada

Conversación de Whatsapp! 
Fecha: 11.09.2016

Tatiana: Ohh mi niña me haces llorar de la emoción. Yo también te quiero muchísimo. No dudes que sabrás de mi siempre. 

Eres una gran persona , que me ha ayudado sin apenas conocerme no habrá nadie como tú jamás. 

Aquel día que te conocí que por poco no nos conocemos fue una de las casualidades más bonitas por la que pase, a partir de ese día me has ayudado , apoyado , me has querido ... Y no has dudado ni un segundo , por eso quiero darte las gracias y te las daré siempre por ser como eres , jamás cambies mi niña, ojalá te hubiera tenido como mamá estoy segura que amor tendría más que de sobra, mis días cambiaron cuando te conocí pensé que no existía alguien como tú , alguien que te da la mano sin apenas pedirlo, alguien que te escucha, te apoya y quiere lo mejor para ti sin saber aún ni como te llamas, no he conocido a alguien así capaz de luchar así de fuerte contar de ayudar. Me has llenado de amor , esperanza, fuerza, curiosidad, valentía .. tengo mucho que dar y la mayor parte te la llevas tú cielo. Solo quiero que sepas que te quiero mucho y que siempre siempre estaré a tu lado para todo lo que necesites, quiero saber de ti constantemente , quiero que te vaya de perlas en la vida porque no te mereces menos preciosa❤ Te voy a echar mucho de menos cariño y solo espero vernos todas las veces posibles hablar siempre y saber todo sobre ti🤗

Lo que más feliz me haría es tener mi libro y poder ayudar a los demás como nunca lo hicieron conmigo. Dar charlas a personas que lo necesiten o que solamente quieran saber el significado del la palabra "maltrato". 
Explicar a los niños.. Colegios... 

Quién es Tatiana? Buscamos a una persona que ayude a esta niña a escribir su historia. 

Podéis dejar un comentario o mandar un email a thenexusglobal1@gmail.com 

Gracias 💙