jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

How to get 30.000 followers in 9 weeks on LinkedIn

If you are in digital marketing and your ultimate goal is get the right audience for your cause, then this article will definitely open your eyes and help you plan your online strategies. 
When I started to use LinkedIn in May 2015 I had no idea where to start with.... During my struggles I came to comprehend people's needs on a professional platform. That's how I created my strategic plan to hit and win! 
First of all, you got to select one market you want to conquer. Let's put China as an example. F you want Chinese people to join your network and to share your posts, you got to think and act like a Chinese person. This means that you have to understand the Chinese mind to start up. To put that into practice you have to do your research first of all and look for Chinese Holidays, touristic towns, unique monuments, Chinese Horoscope and Chinese language. Once you have done your research you can then start to put your results into practice. Social Media is all about posting, liking, commenting and sharing. Therefor your first move should be to create a post related to any of the subjects learned about China and preferably written on Chinese. Think and act like a Chinese! Keep this in mind the whole time your interacting online. Only then you will be able to share your thoughts with your target market. Only then you will gain credibility and trust from random people spread worldwide. 

Now, you have 1 week to put this into practice! Leave a comment with your results in 7 days underneath this article. 

Thank you! 

Best Wishes from Spain,
Marta Guilabert
Visionary Entrepreneur 
The Future is Today!

1 comentario:

  1. LassoIn com is a good website, I really like the way it functions. The best part of the website is that it analyzes and decided the best link to post on LinkedIn. Follow and comment are two important features that social media users look for and this website offers them. One other thing that attracted me to the website was it does not require downloading as the website works on the cloud. And also we can schedule the post on a busy and hectic week so never forget to make a post.
