jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

The secret

During the years, I have been using social media to help people to achieve their goals. By interacting and mentoring with others I got to learn that the virtual social media world is the only reality a lot of lonely people have on a daily bases. Internet definitely opened my eyes into a Matrix! 
Luckily I have earned the trust of people :) And this demonstrates that even if you don't LIKE yourself, there will be always someone on social media who will surely LIKE YOU; no matter what! Talking openly to my public, I can say that humans do really believe in me; and not only that, social media users do encourage me everyday to keep going following my vision and my dreams! 
If I mention my daily messages, my creative posts, my planned campaigns, my improvised videos, my instant selfie pictures, my thoughtful quotes and my constant ads..., I do admit that finally people revert to me embracing amd acknowledging my work. That makes me feel proud of myself and it potentially gives me the courage to pursue my desire to change the course of history. Whatever info I throw out on the media, can be a catastrophe or a job offer, people will surely have a look at it at least once nowadays. That brings me to say humbly, that people do really believe in me, in my efforts and surprisingly I admit that amazing people do like me as well. To gain people's credibility with the information that I provide is one of the greatest gifts. I do post daily on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter and people not only applaud my efforts, they also recommend me online and introduce me to their friends and online connections.

All I can say is ..... 


UniversalPosts - coming in May 2016 :)

Why me?

The first question is: 
"Who the hell is Cuca?"

Let me introduce myself. My name is Marta Guilabert, or Cuca as my mom used to call me, which means cute in Spanish language. I am a young woman smart enough to understand that this world needs a big change and courageous to practice what I preach in real life and online. That's how I became a brand. Let me tell you one thing you might not know about me: I might make mistakes, but be sure that what I do and say in real life is actually reflected in what I do and say in all social media platforms. 

How do I differentiate myself from other networkers?, is the one second question I will need to be able to answer with a "knock-out". Well, I have been blessed with a genuine personality, funny, sarcastic, truthful; one of a kind. I believe that my crazy thoughts lead to the impossible and reach the unexpected. That makes me not only unique but also brave to achieve something big. 

At this point of my professional career I admit that I am not perfect at all, but my mistakes are the ones which make stronger as an independent business woman. Therefore I don't think that I have to convince people subscribe to my platform; if they don't like me they won't. Know that I truly believe in free will! 

The truth is that I have become a big influencer in the social media world, due to my instinct to differentiate right from wrong. The views of my posts, the number of comments, the likes, the number of people sharing my content, the amount of incoming emails, the daily number of incoming whatsapps, the numbers of calls and Skype conferences inquiries have increased. 

On the other hand the number of clients such as recruiters, companies, human resources have been slowly contacting me willing to pay money just have advertise their job offers advertised with the only goal of finding the right talents requested by their clients. This is called profiling my friends, knowing where to look for the right people at the right moment at the right time! Profiling is key if you are a social media customer! You got to know where you can find what you are looking for, and you got to have a good eye to differentiate a real profile from a fake account. 

There are two key purposes on this! 

A) The first one is to centralise all job posts in groups and already existing social media like Facebook, in which I created Red Carpet Exclusive and Career Zone pages to help job seekers find the right information for their search. A group was meant to exist to help candidates interact in a place where all discussions are about worldwide daily vacancies, and therefore I also created a group on Facebook called Universal Recruiting.

B) Currently I am considering the option to make people's life easier, and therefore I created an account on Mailchimp called LimitlessNetworking; a simple way for me to reach people already inside my network. An easy way to create contact lists, to send out nice campaigns, to track data at all times and to invite people to subscribe to Mailchimp and to my upcoming website UniversalPosts launching in May 2016. 
Be informed that a complete Data Base from the beginning is mandatory if you want to be successful as a Social Media Networker. If you belong to global the Network Marketing Industry you got to know your followers, all your friends, connections and contacts, even your haters; your audience in general. In my company UniversalPosts, Profiling updates will be running at all times! We want to find the right audience, in the right place, at the right time for people's cause! 

Thank you. 
Best Wishes from Spain,
Marta Guilabert
Visionary Entrepreneur 
The Future is Today!

How to get 30.000 followers in 9 weeks on LinkedIn

If you are in digital marketing and your ultimate goal is get the right audience for your cause, then this article will definitely open your eyes and help you plan your online strategies. 
When I started to use LinkedIn in May 2015 I had no idea where to start with.... During my struggles I came to comprehend people's needs on a professional platform. That's how I created my strategic plan to hit and win! 
First of all, you got to select one market you want to conquer. Let's put China as an example. F you want Chinese people to join your network and to share your posts, you got to think and act like a Chinese person. This means that you have to understand the Chinese mind to start up. To put that into practice you have to do your research first of all and look for Chinese Holidays, touristic towns, unique monuments, Chinese Horoscope and Chinese language. Once you have done your research you can then start to put your results into practice. Social Media is all about posting, liking, commenting and sharing. Therefor your first move should be to create a post related to any of the subjects learned about China and preferably written on Chinese. Think and act like a Chinese! Keep this in mind the whole time your interacting online. Only then you will be able to share your thoughts with your target market. Only then you will gain credibility and trust from random people spread worldwide. 

Now, you have 1 week to put this into practice! Leave a comment with your results in 7 days underneath this article. 

Thank you! 

Best Wishes from Spain,
Marta Guilabert
Visionary Entrepreneur 
The Future is Today!