miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015

Las cosas que yo hago

A veces me pregunto si las cosas que yo hago tienen algún sentido. No sé si acierto cuando tomo decisiones. Cuando se me cierra una puerta, abro la siguiente. Se con certeza que cada día es una oportunidad. Como actúa la gente en las redes sociales? Digamos que por impulsos. En mi caso el proceso es simple: veo un post, mi corazón le manda un mensaje a mi cerebro, mi mente me manda la señal y yo actúo en consecuencia. Algún motivo tendrá mi corazón o Dios para mandarme esas imágenes, mensajes y señales..... 
Yo sólo actuó en consecuencia y con buena intención. Sea una oportunidad o un problema que descubro en las redes y que tiene solución, actuó e intentó ayudar. Todo el mundo merece una nueva oportunidad y apoyo a lo largo de sus vidas, tanto de un familiar y de un conocido como de un amigo en las redes virtuales.

Si es el camino correcto? Pues la verdad es que probablemente nunca lo sabré! Si voy a poder cambiar el mundo? Pues la verdad es que tampoco la sabré. Si puedo cambiar la historia .... Pues espero que sí! Si mi nombre perdurará después de que muera? Pues somos muchos así que no lo creo.... 

Si me llevará a algo poner y dejar mi granito de arena en la tierra?
-  Espero que sí !!

What's life all about?

If someone asks me what life is all about, I would say, that life is not about finding happiness, success or love, that life is more about finding PEACE of mind. 

How do you want to be able to look at yourself in the mirror every morning if you feel guilt or regret? How to you want to avoid sleepless nights and terrible nightmares, if you don't have peace of mind? 

We all know that to shine bright and smile we need to do extraordinary things which will make the difference. But what are those things? 
Well, first of all start listening to other people's problems, cause sharing is caring. Be willing to help unknown people whom you will probably never see again and you will end up helping yourself to grow from the inside and out. The day you reach out to people from whom you won't get anything in return, you will be richer than any King on planet Earth. Cause in the end what life is all about is tolerance, love, balance, friendships, difference between right and wrong, the line which defines lies and truths and the courage to honour what you have been born for; your mission!

That's my opinion! 

martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Are you reading the signs?

I know that what I am going to tell you will sound crazy, but for the first time I want to open up and share. 

I will start revealing that I never believed in luck not in coincidences. All events throughout my life were meant to be. All the people I met during the journey appeared in the right place and the right moment for a specific reason. This matter has been always very clear to me without a doubt. Over time I came up with this idea: 
If destiny is written and every event has a cause I might need to stop to guess what will happen and focus on finding out the reasons for what happens to me. 

As in the book "the secret" we discovered that when we think about something constantly and we Imagine ourselves doing it, we do send an energy message to the universe and the universe makes it happen for us, in this case it started to happen to me. I woke up one morning in Dubai willing to go to work and I was already late, tired, stressed and in a bad mood. I certainly knew the day would be a nightmare, but I had no choice but to go through it. So I got dressed and left my house. It was a tremendous rainy day in Dubai. The streets were flooded with water, traffic everywhere and not a single taxi to catch.
Somehow that morning my eyes were showing me a different scenario than they used to see. I suddenly started realise things. The rain, the people, the worries, the stress, the confusion, the loss of hope, the doubts... and surprisingly real things started to happen that I would never have been able to acknowledge before. Crossing the street in a rush trying to stop a taxi a woman asked me for a lighter. For the first time in my life I took it as a sign and I stopped and turned to give her light. In that instant a car wanted to overtake another car and almost hit us, but in the end the truth is that nothing happened to us. Small incidents have taken place in front of my eyes on a daily basis and to step back for a moment to observe and analyze the situation helped me to be always safe.

The way I stare and I see the world today is entirely different to what it used to be before. Now I care for silly non important things, I observe, I try to help others, I approach unknown persons, I listen to people's stories, I reach out to others, I watch carefully without judging and for every risk I take I keep my eyes wide open and the both feet on the ground.